Precise pivot to spindle distance

Does any know a protractor on the market with better resolution than Feickerts. I have a Breuer 8C which demands exactly 231.44 mm according to instructions.
Believe 1mm on Feickert, correct me if I´m wrong.
How much impact on sound I don´t know. Maybe I´m getting paranoid but really want to be certain about wright distance (or not).
Just interested in the P2S distance.

Many Thanks!
Hi Corby, forgot to mention what a nice sytem/-s You have.
Never listened to Microseiki but heard a lot about.
I live in sweden where market is limited compared to US.

Merry Christmas to all!
Clabe: Depending on the alignment protocol the cartridge may not end up being square in the headshell. For example, I use a tonearm designed for Stevenson alignment but use Lofgren A. If I used Stevenson, the cartridge would square up in the headshell (but it would sit significantly further back in the headshell which would be problematic for me plus there are advantages to Lofgren A). Using Lofgren A the cartridge is angled in toward the spindle fairly significantly.

Use the Mint, align the cantilever and don't worry too much about the angle of the cartridge in the headshell. The Breuer is probably designed with one alignment protocol in mind and you are probably aligning with another, which is not a problem.

You could use the Hoffman Arc Protractors to print of multiple protractors though to confirm that one of the three methods (Stevenson, Lofgren A or Lofgren B) would give you a cartridge squared up in the headshell.
Your (anyone's) printer is not accurate enough for printing a protractor. Get the Mint, and follow the directions closely. I know its not easy, and is tiresome, but just do it.
Quoted from the Vinyl Engine thread on the Hoffman downloadable protractor:

"For what it is worth:

I recently purchased a new turntable and the distributor aligned the cartridge (on a Michell TecnoArm - a highly modified Rega RB250) with the effective and very expensive Dr Fieckert device.

I printed off your new Stevenson 222mm protractor, and find that the cartridge is perfectly aligned with this. So I can be quite confident checking with your protractor at a saving of some $300.

Incidently, printing on mylar film for OHP transparencies is much superior to printing on paper."

Not a comparison with the Mint, but with the Feickert. I'm sure there are some comparisons/confirmations with the Mint as well. Accuracy can be confirmed following the printing. It is very accurate with any decent laser printer. And not particularly difficult or tiresome I might add. It's the easiest protractor that I've ever used.
thank you for your comments on my system(s). i bought the rx1500 new in the box in the mid '80s. it's been taken to a new level with the 8C.
my benz ebony does not seat perfectly parallel with the front of the headshell. i also have a benz H20 on a breuer 5C and it also sits a tiny bit skewed. they both are perfectly aligned according to the feikhert. i may print off the template from the link listed by HDM above, just for comparison.