Automatic Cueing and Automatic Return

I noticed that upper end turntables don’t have auto return. I suspect that this is due to a perceived sound quality loss. Is this true? What damage is done when my thousand dollar stylus rubs against the record label if and when I doze off after drifting into musical bliss? I look forward to any and all input and/or suggestions.
Thank you.
Drives me crazy that most tables do not have a simple way to automatically lift the arm at records end!

I put a $15 surface mount auto arm lift gadget from Thorens on my Linn manual table when I bought it over 20 years ago and it works every time (see it in the photo of the Linn on my system page).

Not sure what gadgets like it might be available these days but it is more than worth its weight in gold!
Stylus = diamond
Label = paper
Its the label that would have the potential to be damaged, IMO. Of course, you will have to more careful in cleaning the stylus; do a search on magic eraser in the forums and you will be all set. A near life-time supply of magic eraser is on-sale now at home depot for about $3!!!

In a sufficiently resolving system, EVERYTHING is audible, including extra doo-dads attached to the plinth or (especially) the tonearm. I've removed various unneeded bits from my TriPlanar arm because its sound floor is lower without them.

Whether any particular doo-dad would audibly affect the sound on some other rig depends on the rig and the whole system, so YMMV.
There are some, like Dougdeacon whos hearing is so acute that they can detect infinitesimal disturbances in vinyl reproduction whether it be a dust particle in the vicinity of the system, the speed fluctuation of stylus drag or the gravitational effect of the moon phase on vtf. I know this is true because I read it here. Fortunately there is a class of deaf audiophiles (including myself) who are not blessed with super sonic senses and are not bothered by things like passive tonearm lifts sitting benignly on their TT. If you are one of the latter consider yourself lucky and get an after market tonearm lift or semi automatic TT from Ebay.
It is clear, the answer is 'multi' table. I have two TTs in my main rig. A VPI with a $2K cartridge which needs a high level of attention. The other a Denon 47F, fully automatic including repeat,and a Denon 103 cartridge. Of course the latter is the 'safe' machine, and it goes well with wine. You need to be stone cold sober to operate the VPI, otherwise a cartridge disaster is always in the offering. I am happy with both. The Denon is my drinking buddy. I always suggest the Denon as a great starter vinyl machine, especially if there are kids in the house. I've given Denon's to my kids to get them interested in vinyl without having to worry about the cartridge disaster's with the manual machines. If they get 'hooked', then it is time to move up to the other stuff.