Either Benz or Dyna cartridges are perfect matches for the 10.5 aluminum arm....the Shelters, Denons, etc. should be used with the new stainless steel arm. I am using a Benz Ebony LP with great success with my 10.5i. I like the sound of the Benz better than the Dyna XV-!s that I have in another arm, and use the Benz more often. I think this is probably system dependent. I set up my arm/cartridge both with the VPI supplied device, and a MINT...the Mint sounds better. Maybe I was more careful with the Mint, I don't know, but am just reporting. The arm can be used with damping...I find that just a smidge of damping improves the sound. I have heard systems with the Dyna and "Audiofiel" approved arms, and like my system better. That is not to say they were the same components, however I don't hear anything from my 10.5i that would make me change arms. All of this is to say, that my system works for me with my components and my ears. I have never had anyone who has heard my system criticize it, but maybe all who come to my house are just nice people.