TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
Dear Halcro, it sounds very nice.... what exactly did you say ?
Well - I do not want to disappoint you....
I didn't knew that you and TW are relatives and that I did deeply hurt your feelings by not labeling the Raven for its greatness and singular genius in design.
Too many audiophiles mistake components for beloved children - proving once again that all they care about the hardware only and that the "love for music" is carried like the cross of christ before them, but is only a hollow confession.

Is there an official promotion out there who gets the biggest discount for the best and most rude reply to me ?
In any case - it wasn't necessary to go to such length to tell me how right I am.
I fully understand that you do not want to learn and that you are fine with your set-up and the illusion of owning a system approaching the state of the art.
Absolutely no problem - certainly not mine.
BTW - neither you nor the other champs in that old thread you are referring to ever gave the topic a second ( a bit deeper ...) thought - did you?
You missed a chance.

post scriptum: My set-up ? See it is boring explaining things when you know in advance that the other can't possible comprehend. But rest in peace - its tubes AND solid state......... its not about tube OR solid state, its about what you do and how. But that is a much more complicated subject than tonearms and turntables.
I could rip your set-up into pieces from what I see in your pictures and description alone. But - so what - you are happy with it and that is fine.
That your benchmarks are so much lower than mine is your fortune.
As I said much earlier in a lost thread - I too have some questions in audio, but I know I won't find any answers to my questions here.
I know I am hard to stomach for you and some others right now, but you would be surprised what a nice and sociable man I am in real life. I just react to something that provokes that reaction.

What I am still missing - is technical support for the 10.5. Isn't there any at all?
Dertonarm, where would audio be today if everyone took your approach of massive negative attacks on a new product that you have never heard.Yes, we can comment on engineering approach, but still no verdict can be reached until the arm is used in systems and we hear the music that is produced. After number ramblings that you posted here,I can only assume that you are trying to badmouth the upcoming TW arm release. Your motives seem very dark and suspicious to me. I hope that this was just a bad spell of some kind. You can be interesting and informative as I've seen in reading some of your other postings. Lets see more of that Dertonarm.

BTW, can you post pictures of your arm?

As to my agenda, I was just trying to see if there was any user information from Germany on this arm. In a word, No. That's ok, it just shows the product will be totally brand new. It may be wonderful or may need revisions only time will tell. Considering how well TW-Acustic has backed their other products in the US. Early adopters may try this arm on its promise and its backing they feel about from TW.

I'm waiting to read the several TW arm reviews. I'm not an early adopter.
It's amazing that you guys bother discussing an issue with the almighty Dertonarm. From what I've read, he feels that a good tonearm is one that is technically superior. No need to listen as to how it sounds. Design one, hang it on the wall and admire it. Amen.
Brilliant arguments shown on a thread lead to a loss of certainty by some of the participants I guess. When it comes to feelings they do start to express it changes the scene completely. But I do understand that attacking oneĀ“s system leads to dispute.
Brilliant arguments are only one part of the whole story, so Gerrym5 is right when stating why to push the button so often?

It makes me sad that some hangers-on use the opportunity to shoot their jammed ammunition.

It looks like a few of those gentlemen seem really wound up on the matter. They seem to lack a true life arena to express themselves in life.