Which cartridge do you use with the vpi classic?

I just recieved the classic and it totally improved the sound of my analog setup. This is one of the best buys in audio, it only took me half an hour to setup, maybe an hour total from opening the box to playing, this is great for those who just want to listen to great vinyl without the fuss.
I am using a denon 103r with incredible results, the phono stage is a JLTI, an audio experience preamp and sim w-5 amp with merlin speakers, one would think this is a million dollar system.
I highly recommend the classic.
Now would like to improve in the cartridge department.
clearaudio stradivarius.. it kills,i have been a koetsu fan for years but the higher output gives me a 'blacker' background
Check out the Benz LPS....you'll need to contact VPI for the proper counterweight, however, its what Harry uses.
I use a dynavector xx2 Mk2 with a premium maxxed out k&k phono stage.
Sounds really good.
I've heard it with an AT OC9. Didn't hear any weaknesses. VPI Classic and the OC9 made a very good combination.