LP Cleaning brush

hi guys,

Just want to know what cleaning brushes are you using for cleaning LPs esp in conjunction with a record cleaner ?
My vpi 16.5 comes with the nylon brush.
Some of my friends don't recommend it as they feel it can possibly scratch the surface of our precious records.
I hear a few recommendations from them but i wish to hear some opinions from the forum which brushes you guys are using when spreading the chemical and scrubbing the Lp.

Thanks for the inputs....
I use Lloyd Walker's 4 part cleaning system which is supplied with very good directional felt-like brushes. The brushes can be purchased without the rest of the cleaning system if you are not using the Walker Prelude Cleaning Kit.

I use VPI's record brush with MoFi's record cleaning solution on an initial play of a newly aquired used record to see if it is in good enough shape to keep. Then I use Walker's Prelude system if the record is good. It is less time consuming and less expensive to do it in this way.
Gentlemen, Curious about the Walker Brushes, are they just one-way directional, ala vintage Discwasher Brush, or can one scrub in both directions without a need to rotate the Brush?

Also, are the Pads replaceable, like Disc Doctor/Mo Fi Brush Pads? Thank you. Mark
Mark, the Walker Audio brushes do have a directional nap to the fibers. The pads are replaceable, without using any adhesives. While I do orient the brush nap against the rotation of the record when spreading fluids, I scrub back and forth without difficulty just as with the Disc Doctor brushes.

Curious about the Walker Brushes, are they just one-way directional, ala vintage Discwasher Brush, or can one scrub in both directions without a need to rotate the Brush?
I believe the Walker Brushes are meant to be used against the rotation of the record. I have not used them with the record rotation, although apparently Rushton is indicating that he does so additionally. I also use them on their edge as well which I think helps to get down into the groove of really gritty records.