Replace VPI TNT rubber belt with nylon thread

Auy one tired replacing the rubber belt with non-flexible nylon thread on TNT turntable?

What are pros & cons?

Any sound improvement?
I agree with Ptmconsulting completely. I am using 0.004" nylon string with SDS controller.

It sounds more detailed and clearler. Bass seems better defined. Sounds like high frequencies are better defined. It seems to have less bass, but bass is better defined. If your system is bright in the beginning, you may not like it.

I am going back and forth with this and still trying to find which way is better in my system.
Thanks to both. Advice is very helpful.

I use non-flexible nylon string with speed contoller. I find the speed is 6% faster with the nylon string. For the sound, I find it cleaner with less coloration (or less rubber belt sound), tone is more natural, image is 3-dimensional, bass is better defined and improve tonal balance a lot. Exactly what Sojs commented. The background sounds quieter and darker, probably due to more stable speed and no motor vibration is being transferred through the belt to the platter.

But I get small motor noise comes out from the motor spindle. I don't know why. Is the tension too tight? Can this be resolved? Really apprieciate is Ptmconsulting or Sojs can give advise.

The string shouldn't be overly tight. Just enough to keep the slack off and make the platter spin. too tight and it seems to constrict and over-control the platter. Let the mass of the platter do its thing.
I have the TNT with the single fly wheel. Should I try replacing just the big band or both?
Do both spans. The short length between the motor and the flywheel likes more tension than the platter span. Heavy cotton or poly thread requires a bloodknot; thicker silk requires a loop knot with the knot positioned to travel on the outside of the span. It takes a bit of practice to arrive at the correct tensions, but once there you won't go back.