VPI Flywheel or Fishing Rod Wire on Aries Motor?

I realize that VPI has some other upgrades that may be better than the integrated motor/flywheel, such as SDS and the ring clamp. Assuming that an owner already has these (I'm planning on getting them), how significant an upgrade is the flywheel? I have not seem much emphasis on this product from dealers. Is this, perhaps, an unsuccessful upgrade? One downside, it makes for a larger footrprint table, making it extend beyond most typical equipment racks...this issue may account for its lack of popularity? I have heard that just using an Aries 3 motor with fishing rod wire (e.g., SpyderWire) is a good alternative. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Spider wire and other like fishing lines are made with little elasticity so the fisherman can feel every little bump on the line. There are, however, other types of fishing lines that do have a great deal of stretch in them.
I've used them for years and they work great. I used a lite line, 4 lbs or so, and double loop it. The finer the line, the smaller the knot. It's easy and cheap.
That's interesting. Do you use monofilament? Another thing I did not like about all the braided fish lines I tried is the slippery coating. Standard threads all grip better around the pulley.
Yes I use a monofilament line. The only difficulty is tieing the knot. Sometimes the line will pull right through the knot and the knot won't hold. I've tried tieing knots at both ends of the line so they won't slide through when you tie the connecting knot. You have plenty of line on even the smallest spool you buy so you can experiment with different knots to see what works for you.
Has anyone here tried the Mylar ribbon that some use on the teres?

thanks roger