I forget to mention my own impression: some of those 'constructions' are obviously designed by an fisherman.
Most fancy tonearms
Dear Nandric, I never said that the tonearms are russian of origin. I wrote, there are pictures of them on a russian webpage. It's a kind of objet trouvé. After all, I consider these items as pieces of art rather than instruments for audio purposes. Here's another example: Horo I've seen it on the Munich High End show in 2009 - but I didn't listen to it. |
Dear Solong, Sorry ;I should write'Dear all' in the introduction but I was so 'centered' at translation from Russian (long ago that I used this language) that I was realy responding to other contributions. BTW because of this I even forget to mention my own 'impression'. I hope you will forgive me? Regards, |
Dear Nandric, I have not visited the site, but my tonearm is called "RS Labs A-1". While it is a bit esoteric, more than a few of them have been sold and it is very much in production. I don't know whether or not "47 Labs" has anything to do with the RS-A1, but if they make or plan a tonearm, it is likely to be even more weird. I will take a look. |
Dear Lewm, I am very reluctant to contradict ,eh, lewm. But I was only translating those 'kyrilic symbols' that are the same as in my native language. But according to Google there is an US distributor called 'Sekura Systems/47 Laboratory' who 'distributes' your RS -Labs A-1' tonearm. I assume that the Russian 'author' refered to your tonearm as '47 Labs' without knowing that you are such an sensitive GUY regarding the truth values. So I feel like those 'messagers' who are not aware of any mistake or error but in spite of this,are somehow guilty of something. Are you able to consider some 'mercy' bisides the Kantian 'absolute truth'? We already have Dertonarm in our forum. Regards, |