TT Weights VPI center clamp

I was jus wondering, does the TT Weights VPI screw down clamp damage th record label in any way when it is tightened?

The original VPI clamps outer part does not move when tightened. only the center screw part moves so the label is not damaged. Other after market clamps for VPI seem to also use this method, and for the same reason.

The TT Weights clamps look real nice, but I am worried about label damage when using them. Can anyone with real experience please chime in?
Yes, it is a concern, and one reason I wouldn't want a TT Clamp for free no matter how pretty it looks. The other major reason is, is this manufacturer veered from the original VPI design, in that the underside of the TT Clamp bears no similarity to the VPI Clamp design.

Without the proper dish in the underside of the clamp, you can chuck your rubber spindle washer away, in hopes of the TT Clamps properly clamping-coupling the record to platter, which it cannot.

Why does so many think they have a better mousetrap than Harry W?

Maybe, when they'll make a Clamp that is two piece, adheres to Harry's proven design, and clears the inside of a stock HW-19 dust cover, by not being too tall in height, I "might" consider one. Otherwise, stick with the stock VPI clamp, and spend the money making improvements elsewhere. Mark
I don't think so, I just bought 2 of them for my VPIs. Since I am a VPI dealer I will confine myself to saying that the clamp is not my favorite VPI product. If you are worried go with a record weight instead of a clamp. I have not used them long enough to check long term effect, but then at 70 long term doesn't worry me like it use to. I tried both the aluminum and brass ones and they do sound different. I tend to like the sound of brass or copper, I was using one of their 2.3 lb. weights before I bought the clamps and am now alternating them with it. If all my labels fall off I'll let you know.
I use TTWeights top of the line VPI center weight. This one does not screw on. It is stainless steel and has a silky-smooth damping material on the bottom. You do not use the VPI rubber washer with it. I like it much more than both of the VPI screw-down clamps I have (stainless steel/ delrin, delrin). Some people may think that a cupped LP sounds better though that seems counter-intuitive to me. The TTWeights gets kudos from me also for ease of use and build quality. It is very pleasing to the eye and ear. No affiliation with TT Weights- just a happy repeat customer.
I use the VPI ring clamp. In e-mails with VPI and Elusive Disc, both indicated the ring clamp does the job of holding the LP down and flat. A spindle "device" can then be used for resonance control, but does not necessarily need to "clamp" the LP down or add additional weight. Doesn't mean you can't use a "weighted" or "clamping" spindle device, though.

On there recommendations, I chose to use the VPI ring clamp with the BDR The Clamp. Very pleased.