Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?

Dear friends: We can read through different threads/posts in this forum that people always want/ask to know for the " best " " audio item " that IMHO and till today does not exist in " absolute " meaning.
Well I already have and I'm " living " a unique experience that makes me to share with all of you what IMHO could be in Absolute terms " the best cartridge ever ".

Please read this Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 information that could help you for you can share with us your experiences/thoughts on the subject of this thread:

Thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear Pedrillo: I think that maybe some care about the true and some of them know the true but the majority don't want to hear the true because IMHO are unaware exist that " true and this is maybe why we feel like they don't care about the true: all them already have the establishment true ( for the good or bad. ) and like I say are unaware of a different true then : who cares?

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Nandric: I understand your point of view that I respect too but IMHO an according what I posted your statements cover only a part of the whole subject on " the best " that's a complex subject.

I will return to the Sommelier example: this kind of person distinguish between excellent two wines differences where he can't say which is better but only different, he can distinguish between two ( or more ) top wines and telling you which is better and what IMHO makes that this person achieve the Sommelier status is that he can tell you which " the best ".

Do you think that a Sommelier has to taste or already tasted all the thousands and thousands of wines out there in the last 30-40 years?, certainly not what happen is that he study and receive a specific in deep training to make his especial work.
Obviously because you don't understand what an audio Sommelier is then you are unaware of its existence but they exist: people ( few of them ) with specific training/ habilities/capacities.

You need an specific training to develop the Sommelier ( in wines ) knowledge and then tell me which is better or " the best ".

You can drive a Formula One racing car in an official race in Monza if you don't have a specific training and even if you think you have it only a few can compete in Formula One official racings.

You can be a 727 airplane pilot but for you can be a 747 pilot you need a specific training where only a few has and can do it.

The audio establishment ( where all belongs. ) already spread on our heads that does not exist " audio Sommeliers " in any audio area because the audio experiences always are subjective/system dependent/subjective/system dependent/subjective/system dependent/subjective......, so what? we are so " stupid/fool " that if we have a specific training that we cultivate over several years that permit discern on something different or distinguish when something is better but with all that specific training we CAN'T discern when we find " the best "????????????

IMHO this has no sense.

Nandric, if you was the owner of Lufthansa ( hypothetic " stupid " example for my part. ) and you are the person that hire 747 Pilots and you have in front of you 10-100 training and full experienced 747 pilots and you say no these 747 pilots does not exist yet and you don't hire them because of that believe and then your 747's stay in land for ever.

Nandric, IMHO we need one way or the other try to think ( sometime. ) in different way ( it does not harm or kill any body. ), try to help audio evolution, try to help the audio establishment in benefit of the establishment.

Please don't say " does not exist " or " can't be true " when you have just in fron of you.

Of course there is no easy to find " the best " in the different audio areas even if you have the " audio Sommelier " status but this IMHO does not means that " the best " does not exist because: EXIST!!!!!!

Gentlemans, I'm not against any one single of you I'm WITH YOU!

Regards and enjoy the music,

navele enin, talk about manipulation.
research health another topic that you'll see the same manipulation same org. mirror mirror
how few are after t.
Dear Raul, your 'Sommelier example' is illustrative of our
'misunderstanding'. He can only compare 'some wines' and
state that 'a' is the best of the sequence:'a,b,..n'. But
to state that 'a' is 'absolute the best' we need some added
conditions. I don't intend to involve you in 'academic' or
'scientific debate'. But everyone of us can only put in the
discussion what he knows or think that he knows. So I think
that I know something about the 'quantifiers' and their use
in statemets,sentences or propositions ( choose your preference). I learned this by study of Frege in more then
10 yeas time. To my mind the greatest mind of Europe. So I
am of course biased by my,say, education. But even so the
most I have learned in my intellectual development is from
Frege. His 'compatriot' Dertonarm I admire particulary for
his 'enlightenment inclination' . He is to my mind an 'homo
universalis' but I am not always in agreement with his statements. His attempt to handle both 'variables' (the cart and the tonearm)at the same time are not convincing to
me. He should start with,eh, one 'known' entity and procide
with the 'unknown'. Like he deed in Sweden by looking for
'someone' there. The peculiar 'reason' is that 'someone' is
not a name. Obvious to all of them who ever have coplained:
'someone has stolen my car'. The problem is obvious: varaibles are not names even if we put them in 'subject-predicat' sentence form. Then we all know that he prefers the FR-66 S tonearm. But even if we think that he is 'unlimited ' regarding his 'potentials' we also know that he is (very) limited regarding the choice of an cart
for his FR-66. So that is whay I 'presupposed' that Allaerts MC 2 Formla 1 is the 'best' cart at present. Ie if
you want 'the best cart' you should look for an tonearm after that.
So Raul our 'disagreement' is not about the carts but about
the statements about the carts.
raul: I've previously said that the "tube liar" is more about marketing than he is about truth in audio.

I'm glad you agree with me.