Regards, Raul: Your accessment of the EPC-100M4: as wines can be reds, whites or the bubbly kind, sweet, nutty, fruity or dry, your Sommelier would suggest that one would be more appropriate in a certain set of conditions without intending the exclusion of others as being equally rewarding in different circumstances. Different vintages and social circumstance make this an open system.
Dertonarm, Travbrow, Nandric and others have politely expressed this concern relating to audio. With much respect for your pursuit of excellence and with recognition that logically there must be a "worse" and a "better", until systems and listeners are mass produced with cartridges as the only variable and all wines except one are blended in a closed system universiality, absolutes in an open system setting are contradictary. In practice(!), performance is a matrix of compatibilities and good or bad, integration remains system dependent. I wouldn't argue the quality a cartridge I don't know, it's the term "absolutely" I stumble over. Meanwhile, I'll remember knowledgable Raul stated it the absolute best he ever experienced and find fault with neither if someone else's fine tonearm thinks otherwise.
Ebm: Thanks for the humor ;-). You were joking, right?