10 Commandments of a Vinyl Audiophile

Hi all,

I am new to the site, and recently was gifted 153 un opened vinyl records for my consumption!

I have always loved the richer sound of vinyl from my youth, and I just sold all my solid state stuff, and am going to only keep the Klipsch 3.2 speakers and put together a nice tube set up.

to all the depth of knowledge here I appreciate and respect..

what are the:
10 Commandments of a Vinyl Audiophile!

Thou shalt have a deep and abiding sense of what it means to be


and and shalt not wander far from what it means to be

*in the groove*.

Paisley attire optional.
Honour your music collection over components

Learn how to discern between a truly great recording, even with surface noise, and a hyped reissue

Build faith in your own listening abilities
Don't buy music to listen to your system. Buy a system to listen to your music.