Project Acryl-it Platter

I have a Debut 3 with Speedbox 2 and Ortofon OM 20 stylus upgrade. Really hate the felt mat that sits on top of the Steel Platter. Considering getting the Acryl-it Platter or possibly a Herbie's Way Excellent Mat or something comparable.

Not sure which way to go and was wondering if any other Project owners could share their experiences with upgrading their Platter and or mat. Would like to keep the cost within the price ranges of the above options.
I can't discuss the Acyl-it but i had the steel platter with my Pro-ject Xpression TT and the Herbies made a big difference. Better bass tighter sound. If you are thinking of upgrading your table soon put the money into a Herbies mat instead of the platter.
I agree with Grinnell. While I'm sure the acrylic platter will sound better than the metal one, you'll probably get 90% or more of the same effect with the Herbie's mat, and you'll be able to re-use the mat with your next turntable.

I have a Herbie's on my Technics SP-15 (also a metal platter) and it's a big improvement over the stock rubber pad or felt.

Hi, P. The Herbie's mat is an excellent upgrade for the Pro-Ject metal platter. As Grinnell points out, the mat improves bass response, and I found that background noise was was quieted as well. Made for a more resolving mid-range and treble and seemed to increase dynamics as well. As David says, it's a relatively inexpensive upgrade that makes a noticeable improvement with that metal platter. I even use a Herbie's mat with the acrylic platter on my mmf-7 turntable.

The one good reason to replace the metal platter is if you want to use low output moving coil cartridges as they get pulled (magnetically) right down onto the metal platter. The acrylic platter isn't ferrous so doesn't affect LOMC cartridges, which contain strong magnets.
