VPI Classic and ZYX 4D

Hi guys,

I am finally setting the TT and I was hoping to give it a shoot today but apparently problems never end.
I mounted the pick up on the tonenarm leveled the tonearm and I was just about to regulate the reading weight when I realized that even puching the counterweight all the way in I barely reach 1.2gr.
I own a ZYX 4D with the SB@ option which accordingly to the manufaturer it weights 7.9gr which should be perfectly ok.
I think the Dynavector Diamond is 7.5gr or something like that.
I have never seen anybody having this issues...I tried to reasearch but nothing.
I contacted my dealer but he has no clue.
I tried to call VPI but they are unfortunately close till the 13th!!!!
So I don't know what else to do.

If anybody can give me some help I would really appreciate.

Thank you so much.


thank you Doug and Srwooten.

- I know, regulating just by moving counterweight is very tricky and affects azimuth too, I will try your method.

- When I set the weight I am pointing at "time two" 's scale.

- Sometimes I brush after magic eraser some other times I forget. I am trying to become more consistent; nevertheless, I always check the diamond with a 10X magnifier after I am done playing one side or so and it looks really shiny and sharp.

Yesterday I found out an interesting thing I want to share.

During these 10 hours or so of listening, I have noticed a little distortion sometime on the right ch with some records.
So I have checked and re-checked the alignment, the azimuth, VTA and VTF several times and found them to be all good.

So finally yesterday I put the test record on and scoped the output.
I have incredibly found that the system was unable to even track the first tracking ability's track (12dB) so I was kinda of desperate.
I started to tweak the wire, twisting and untwisting it and after many attempts I have gotten the 12dB right.
Nevertheless I was unable to make the following tracks work.
SO I decided to just give it a shot and listen to it.

Difference was huge and distortion that was heard before was gone.

aside not:
my old rega 300 and denon 103 were able to pass all the 12dB 14dB 16dB and almost the torture track (18dB)

Now my question is:

why wouldn't a VPI and ZYX 4D even try to pass at least the 14dB tack?
I mean just by regulating the tonearm to make it track the 12dB made a huge difference I cannot imagine to make it track the following tracks.
Firstly Stefanoo, ZYX Cartidges do have a lenghty break in time. I suspect the 4D to be no different than the Airy 3, Universe-Atmos in this regard. How many hours now you figure you've logged?

The Shure VTF Gauge works, but I always questioned mine. An error of .2g will make audible differences, and differences in regards to tracking when the Cartridge is new.

And another thought I had, is the VPI is capable of using a damping fluid in the trough. Maybe try experimenting with fluid damping? Keep in mind, the fine balance of over applying damping fluids, where one drop makes all the difference. More fluid is sometimes not better. Mark
I've had similar issues with my Zyx UNIverse - in fact two of these cartridges. Long story short - I purchased a used UNIverse which sounded great but had tracking issues. Happened with 3 different arms (2 SME V's and a Graham 2.2). Loved the sound so much (other than the occsional mistracking) and was concerned that perhaps I was sold a defective cartridge so I bit the bullet and traded it in towards a new one (Mehran had a great special going on and gave me a reasonable trade-in). The new one does the same thing - at least I know that I have a new perfectly functional one though! I've logged approx 100 hours or so on the new one and same tracking issues - has been tried with the SME V on both an Avid Volvere and an Oracle Delphi V.

In short, the cartridge tracks the first track on the HiFi News test LP but distorts on the second at 2g tracking force. Increasing VTF doesn't seem to improve it. I basically just use this second track to try to adjust the antiskating and leave it at that. I do occasionally hear mistracking towards the end of challenging LPs. Alignment seems to be perfect (as verified by MintLP protractor). I've come to the conclusion that these high end LOMC just aren't great trackers like some of the MMs (particularly Shures, of course) but due to the absolutely spectacular sound the UNIverse gives me I put up with the occasional mistracking. I have never heard a cartridge with the "you are there" factor that this one has.