VPI Classic and ZYX 4D

Hi guys,

I am finally setting the TT and I was hoping to give it a shoot today but apparently problems never end.
I mounted the pick up on the tonenarm leveled the tonearm and I was just about to regulate the reading weight when I realized that even puching the counterweight all the way in I barely reach 1.2gr.
I own a ZYX 4D with the SB@ option which accordingly to the manufaturer it weights 7.9gr which should be perfectly ok.
I think the Dynavector Diamond is 7.5gr or something like that.
I have never seen anybody having this issues...I tried to reasearch but nothing.
I contacted my dealer but he has no clue.
I tried to call VPI but they are unfortunately close till the 13th!!!!
So I don't know what else to do.

If anybody can give me some help I would really appreciate.

Thank you so much.

Hello Doug/All,
I had to backtrack through the entire thread, and re-read all of my posts, and I didn't find where I specifically said the ZYX takes 100's of hours for break in? (it appears I'm the only "mark" in this thread) :-)

I have been a good "student" I think, (you being the teacher of course), and recall many of your comments-reviewz about everything ZYX.

I'll save space about going into full detail.

But it appears Stefanoo has not evidently succeeded in being pleased, as in one of his last posts posts, he makes referral to sending the whole shebang off to VPI, to let them scratch their heads.

All I can say, is I wish you the best of luck Stefanoo, and hope that all comes back OK. Mark

PS Doug: Thank you very much for that very understandable, and logical-technical explanation about the use of such Anti-Skate Tracks. I leaned something new again from the master!
I think I was the one saying about 100hrs...so my mistake.
I have read it somewhere but I can't remember where.

Well, the only problem with it was that the tonearm was too light for the combo so VPI which is a GRAT company is willing to help me out.

I am sure everything will work out great and I will post here as soon as my tonearm...ememe....and my ZYX 4D....will get back from the trip at VPI's industries :)

My apologies for the mis-attribution, and thanks to Stephanoo for stepping up. Clumsy me. :-(

BTW the sound at 2.3gr and more AS wasn't that horrible, I mean it was still great. I just thought that there was a little lack of air and I felt like there was less definition and soundstage less defined ...
Agreed. Pressing a vibrating object (cantilever) into an elastomer (cartridge suspension) attenuates the vibrations, and higher frequencies are attenuated the most. Excessive VTF and AS sound a bit like turning a treble tone control way downward.

From everything I've read, Mike at VPI has been providing great service for many years . Glad to here they still are. A higher mass arm should definitely suit your cartridge. Let us know!
Arm should arrive this week accordingly to what Mike told me.
So as soon as it will get here i will post impression.
Hello Stefanoo-
Did you get the stainless steel upgrade or the 3 grams of lead added to the tonearm? I too am waiting for a new arm (stainless steel 10.5i) to go with my Airy 3.