Please recommend used tonearm under $1K

longer than 9" preferable, to be used with an SP-10MK2 and Virtuoso MM cartridge. The tonearm does not have to be modern. In fact, something vintage that can be easy to source through here or eBay is fine.

I favor rock, so dynamics and slam are crucial. Good imaging and soundstage DEPTH are also important.

The bonus is if the arm keeps solid value because I eventually want to move up to the Trans-Fi T3.
Here is one new, I just purchased the 9" version. I showed it to a friend who used to sell audio and he guessed that it was a $2000 arm. I use to have the Lustre, which is a good arm and has VTA adjustment while playing. I would go with the Jelco myself as it is new and I believe more likely to fit a wide range of cartridges.
I assume you are talking about the TransFi Terminator t3 linear tracking airbearing arm. It would be about $1,300 why not get it instead of taking an interim step. I actually saw one for sale here on agon about a month ago for $975. I bought one about 6 months ago directly from Vic and love it.
Dear Stanwal: +++++ " and I believe more likely to fit a wide range of cartridges. " +++++

do you mean against the Lustre? if yes: could you explain about? because the Lustre is a removable headshell design where you can change the effective mass. I use the Lustre with low weight high compliance MM/MI cartridges and with high weight low compliane LOMC cartridges and always performs just great.

In the other side the Lustre design was a way better design ( for many years to come. ) that the time/year where see the " light ".
It is a dinamic balanced design where you can run it in that way or in static balance way, very good tonearm bearing, azymuth control through the headshell, different weight counterweights to mount any cartridge, VTF is applied through a magnetic mechanism as the antistatic one, VTA on the fly, internal wiring is silver and its internal damping ( no oil ) is very good.

Can you ask for more?, maybe but IMHO not through the Jelco ( that I like ) or even the TransFi. IMHO the Lustre is an " arm " and many today top designs could " envy " or " dream " with the Lustre overall design.

Maybe you need to test today that Lustre if you have any opportunity about.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Applebook, I agree with Raul regarding the Lustre but
I want to add the EPA-100. Both are fantastic and can compete with any other regardless of price. I own both i.a.

What is the mass of the Lustre without headshell compared to the 9" 750? It is my impression that the 750 is less but couldn't find the definitive answer. I used the 801 many years ago and it was not among the top arms THEN, let alone now. Have you compared it to the Jelco? The OP wanted an arm longer than 9", the Jelco is one of the few that would fall in his price range. I intend to do the opposite, to put my Lustre headshells on the 750 to play around with some of my low compliance cartridges.I am aware of your very idiosyncratic views on the subject and don't care to get into a protracted debate over questions that involve opinion and taste.