Problems w/ Nitty Gritty RCM?

I was having a lot of trouble with surface noise on new vinyl. Before first playing my new LPs I was giving them a wash with my Nitty Gritty 1.5Fi, but I was still getting a lot of pops and clicks. In an attempt to discover the source of the problem, I stopped washing new records and just giving them a dry brush before first playing. This has reduced the surface noise quite a bit.

I'm wondering, is there something wrong with my Nitty Gritty, possibly something abrasive in the brush? Has anyone else experienced this?
Actually, It lasts years and years. I can't remember when I bought the current batch and tend mostly to replace only the first brush (for use with the Enzymatic Formula) rather than 3 at a time. I use a wire brush to remove contaminant from the Last brushes after they dry. I tend not to buy really filthy records although I do buy a lot of used ones.
I've used NG's Pure 2 since about 1986 - - for 20 years with a Nitty Gritty 2.5 and currently with a Loricraft PRC4. Never had any problems on either machine or with the fluid - - just great results.
My LPs had noise at the beginning of the first track. Try to rince with distilled water and the problem goes away. I had the NG2.5Fi and used disc doctor fluids.

I thought it was the felt lips and also changed them.