Benz Glider vs Dynavector DV-17D3 phono cartridge

I have a Townshend Rock MkIII table with a Rega 300 arm. I am currently using an older Glider high output cartridge that I need to replace. My phono preamp is the Ray Samuels Nighthawk which can accomodate a low output cartridge. I value midrange purity in voices and a lively, true to the rhythm sound. I listen to a wide range of music from symphonies to folk. I am looking at cartridges that I can secure in the $1000 range and right now am looking at the new Benz Glider or Dynavector DV-17D3 cartridges, but I am also open to other options. Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks

You might look into Pete Riggles VTA. A very cheap upgrade for the Rega. Stick with the Denon.
The mounting collar allows me to adjust the VTA just fine.

One online review site saw fit to mate the funk turntable/rb250 combo to a Van De Hul Condor, staying with the budget Denon doesn't make sense to me if my setup can achieve more.
Personally I think that Lyra carts are better (maybe just different) then Benz. I have heard the glider and ace in a VPI acout but I prefered the Lyra Dorian. Remeber this is my opinion.
Try to find both second hand, as they are build to last.

If your music preference is so variety, suggest you to get a cartridge will less color & charactor but high revelation of fine details. My opinion, EMT TSD-15 (without shell)