DBP-10 Protractor Instructions......

I just got it and I cannot grasp this. I'm not an engineer.
I have a VPI JMW9 on my Scout.
I found the data specs on the web.
I own a caliper and a scale for the tracking force.
Someone please walk me through this in layman's terms.
I'm even open to a phone call at your convenience.
What am I, a rocket scientist?
First, just read the instructions, from start to finish, including the examples.

Then, just take it one step at a time.
It is not a very intuitive system, but it does work, and work very well. I've used it for several years, (including half a dozen alignments), and have gotten excellent results with it every time.

Good Luck!


Wernher Von Braun
I have used the DB systems protractor for close to 30 years. I agree with Kurt tank 100%, but would add be patient and it will pay off. Good Luck
Buy a Mint LP protractor made specifically for this arm; much easier and very accurate. It really dialed in my arm and comes with a very good magnified glass to really see if positioned properly.