Technics SL-1200MK2 or MK5

I'm trying to figure out if there is any reason I should purchase a MK5 over a MK2.

My concern is that the MK2 doesn't have the button to lock the pitch at dead zero.

Is this a valid concern?

Thanks for the responses thus far...

I suppose I was concerned that the pitch slider wouldn't actually "lock into a groove," if you will, at dead zero - thinking that the button would, without a doubt, set things to dead zero.

I, too, owned an M5G and got rid of it. Now, I'm simply looking for the functionality again, without the frills.
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My main reason for always recommending the MKII is that the tonearm on it has a much finer antiskate control than any of the other SL-1200 models. The MK5 and up models all have a 0-6 scale on the antiskate control whereas the MKII has 0-3 and is much better suited to home audiophiles use.

As someone has already mentioned, the only reason to order any other model is the upgraded wire in the MK5G. Even then, I'd prefer to have the MKII with the KAB rewire.

I greatly appreciate the comments (because, quite frankly, it's what I was wanted to hear - ha!).

A MK2 it shall be, then. Now, if I can just sell this amp. ;)

Cheers all,