What vintage Technics tables are best?

Which are best for audiophile listening?
There is a lot of information in the forums regarding the sl-1200 mk/2. After you get done here, then go over to Audio Asylum as well as Vinyl Engine for more info.
the usual suspects are the SP-10 MKII, or if possible, the very rare SP-10 MKIII(supposedly the ultimate Dir Drive TT). Either with the arm of your choice, but there are many who love the 100 series arm that came with the MKII
If you are looking for vintage Japanese TT, I would take Kenwood 500 over
Technics 1200 any day.
i bought a used sp25 and built a heavy plinth for it. i use a fidelity research fr14 and a benz h20 cartridge, the combo rivals my micro seiki ddx1000 with a breuer 5c arm and benz h20.
see pics on my virtual system.
the sp25 is a bargain compared to the high dollars that you have to spend on the sp10's.
Agree with Corby. In late 2008 I took an SP-25 with the factory base in on trade. It sat in my storeroom until earlier this year when, for grins and giggles, I mounted a modestly priced Hadcock tonearm on it. I had no clear expectations.

For about $1000 it will smoke any VPI, Nottingham, etc. up to and perhaps exceeding $3K.

The only modification is a copper mat replacing the cheesy factory rubber mat supplied by Technics.

Dealer disclaimer.