What vintage Technics tables are best?

Which are best for audiophile listening?
If you are looking for vintage Japanese TT, I would take Kenwood 500 over
Technics 1200 any day.
i bought a used sp25 and built a heavy plinth for it. i use a fidelity research fr14 and a benz h20 cartridge, the combo rivals my micro seiki ddx1000 with a breuer 5c arm and benz h20.
see pics on my virtual system.
the sp25 is a bargain compared to the high dollars that you have to spend on the sp10's.
Agree with Corby. In late 2008 I took an SP-25 with the factory base in on trade. It sat in my storeroom until earlier this year when, for grins and giggles, I mounted a modestly priced Hadcock tonearm on it. I had no clear expectations.

For about $1000 it will smoke any VPI, Nottingham, etc. up to and perhaps exceeding $3K.

The only modification is a copper mat replacing the cheesy factory rubber mat supplied by Technics.

Dealer disclaimer.

For mid-priced Technics, I prefer the SP-15, SL-150MK2, SL-M3 over the SL-1200Mk2 because they ALL have better platters.

For mid-priced Japanese direct-drive turntables, I prefer the JVC QL-7(TT-71) over ALL the above Technics.

speaking if jvc, i also built a plinth for a jvc ql-5, added a black widow arm and a soundsmith cartridge. i still prefer the sp25, but that is probably the arm/cartridge combo making the difference. it's hard to compare tables since it's rarely apples to apples comparisons, there are way too many variables.
also, on the mat subject, i added a carbon fibre donut to the rubber mat on the technics. blacker backgrounds than the rubber mat alone.
the jvc is definately a nice solid table. the platter is heavier than the sp25. there's a pic of my table at: