George, I agree with Curio and add my copmliments to his.
The strange thing however is that I started a similar thread some time ago about Pluto tonearms (see my threads).
Alas not a single reaction from the forum and only one from
Dertonarm in a privite e-mail.He mentioned the synergism with Van den Hul carts but also that this tonearm is not generaly known in particular in the USA. I am glad that
you proved Dertonarm to be wrong. Not a easy thing to achive versus this German. The TT's and tonearms hand made by Driessen have already a mythical status in the Netherlands but the Dutch have also some remarcable status in astronomy. There maybe some connections between the two
because the prices of Mr. Driessen are 'astronomical'.
One can put this the other way round: if you need to ask
for the price you are probable not suitable client for Mr.Driessen. You avoided this part of the story in your story like some kind of a English gentleman but the most of us are, I assume,not British and would love to hear
also about those 'earthly' subject without any harm done to astronomy.
The strange thing however is that I started a similar thread some time ago about Pluto tonearms (see my threads).
Alas not a single reaction from the forum and only one from
Dertonarm in a privite e-mail.He mentioned the synergism with Van den Hul carts but also that this tonearm is not generaly known in particular in the USA. I am glad that
you proved Dertonarm to be wrong. Not a easy thing to achive versus this German. The TT's and tonearms hand made by Driessen have already a mythical status in the Netherlands but the Dutch have also some remarcable status in astronomy. There maybe some connections between the two
because the prices of Mr. Driessen are 'astronomical'.
One can put this the other way round: if you need to ask
for the price you are probable not suitable client for Mr.Driessen. You avoided this part of the story in your story like some kind of a English gentleman but the most of us are, I assume,not British and would love to hear
also about those 'earthly' subject without any harm done to astronomy.