VPI Classic Cartridge Help

Soon I will be purchasing a VPI Classic and an considering Cart choices. I would like to stick with a $5-700 price range initially. My current rig is a Rega Planar 2 with Ortofon Blue. I purchase a lot of used records at used record stores, thrift stores, etc and wondered about playing these records with a more expensive cartridge. I clean with a VPI RCM but am concerned about beating up a good cart. with "rough" records that have some scratches. Is there any particular cart or stylus type that I should consider? I wanted to order the VPI with the cart installed at the factory and have it checked by the dealer- I think that narrows the choice of cart. manufacturers.

The rest of my system: B&W 802D, Spectron amp, Cary SLP03 Preamp.
The AT 33 EV is even better than the OC 9 and is occasionally available at J&R for $400. I currently have a Denon 304 in my Classic.
The Classic will come with a Stylus Force Scale (Shure), and a VPI Cartridge Alignment Jig. If you can set up a Cartridge like the Ortofon Blue, you could set up a Koetsu Coralstone as well.

If you've liked the Ortofon Blue, found it's output adequate for the Whest, then perhaps swap it onto the VPI, or one could move up the Ortofon line with a similar output? (Black, or?)

Actually none of us savor the thought of Cartridge set up, it is time consuming, and very delicate work with a possibility of Fubar, especially with a Unipivot Arm, which balances on the head of a single Pin Pivot.

If you do feel safer though, letting a dealer set it up, I would at least ask them if you could perhaps be present to watch-witness installation/set up, so you have an understanding of what is being done, and why.

The more you know about your table-arm, the better. Mark
Could someone provide a link to J&R? This is not the first time I've seen them referenced. Looks like they have good prices.

I prefer a factory mount or a good local dealer to do the work and check the specs for me. That said, I did purchase the DVD from Michael Fremer on turntable setup so I can understand and potentially get involved in changing cart. I would feel the most comfortable starting with the Ortofon Blue for comparison and then moving forward from there once the difference can be heard. But I would lose the advantage/convenience of having a factory mount. Perhaps the dealer would mount the Ortofon for a small fee or free due to the table purchase. As I understand it the Whest can be configured for almost any load but a call to then is necessary for the settings. Generally how are the MM and MC different?