RB300 Rewire or Graham Robin for my Gyrodec ?

I am thinking of upgrading Rega RB300 tonearm on my Michell Gyrodec SE within limited budget.
A friend of mine has recommended me to rewire it using Incognito Kit or Discovery and the others have advised that the Graham Robin tonearm is a real upgrade and much better than the Incognito/Discovery Rewire.

Would you please share your experiences with me on which one is recommendable for my Gyrodec SE turntable ?.
I appreciate your opinions in advance.

Try smetonearms out of Canada. They offer the SME M2 (9") for $999 plus $25 for shipping. Everyone else retails this arm for $1600 or $1700.
If you rewire your rega with pure silver wire, this makes a big difference. I followed directions from a page called Hotrod Rega a few years ago but can't seem to find it anymore. If you need a recommendation for silver wires let me know. The whole project was very affordable.
Ydkim/Scar972, The construction of Rega allows easy access
to the armwand-hole.I have the description of how to do this.Scar you are not explicite but I assume you mean rewire from tags till RCA connectors. Ie the best solution for (the only) Rega problem.
