What's the cost of an entry level vinyl setup?

I'm just curious how much it would cost to get the equipment required to make vinyl worth listening to. I know players are available for cheap, but would anticipate the sound quality to be the same.

What would be your recommendation to go with a system worth about $5,000 in total? Is there a significant advantage to vinyl at this level? I've heard vinyl on high enough equipment to know that at it's best it's better than digital, but am not sure what it would cost for the average joe to get a quality sound.
Dual 1229 used - $200
Grado cartridge - $50
Hagerman Bugle - $149 http://www.hagtech.com/bugle.html

For $400,you're in business and have to apologize to no one about the sound you'll be getting.

Thom @ Galibier
1.)How much would the cost? A lot. Its gonna cost a Really lot. First born child like alot. Considering your stated taste in classy music and women, I would suggest far too much of a cost of a table really, just for to start an search.

For fun time...Imagine, Go and play listen to cd start to end. Right OK? Is cds music sure helping to relaxing and melting away the daytime worrys about cost and levels...Now imagine getting up every 13-15 minutes for to flip the vinyl! tri and Relax...not too much, haha you got to GeT up and flip vinyl soon. An dont forget for vinyl to wash and rinse and or repent. You Will be sure to see how soon the costs adds up.

2.) But do too not forget, anticipations sound like you already expect anyways, so for yours do not to0 go cheap, go for other always. Unexpected god news is your lps will might suprise actually likely by sounding with music very much more enjoyable than cds ever.

So my recomendation is YES. yes significant is the Very adventageousness over your rivals. as they will cower in shame! be ready with expensive camera for trophy shots to adorn your listening room. Mount photos Over your table for most best effect and pride.

Do not be ashamed of your very height limitations. your good experience with the vinyl on high enough equipment is only a $10-15 step stool away from helping you put the vinyl on the platter, and really at average person height operating its no different.

In conlusion the avg joe is not the mark being targeted too.

viva la vinyl!!!

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Oakleys - There are no words that come to mind as an appropriate response to your comments.

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