What's the cost of an entry level vinyl setup?

I'm just curious how much it would cost to get the equipment required to make vinyl worth listening to. I know players are available for cheap, but would anticipate the sound quality to be the same.

What would be your recommendation to go with a system worth about $5,000 in total? Is there a significant advantage to vinyl at this level? I've heard vinyl on high enough equipment to know that at it's best it's better than digital, but am not sure what it would cost for the average joe to get a quality sound.
I think before getting a vinyl rig you should think about how you are going to acquire records. It it's from Acoustic Sounds or similar, a collection of 100 records is going to cost $3000 or more. A lot less if you have access to a good used record store.
Daverz, I just picked up four complete Reader's Digest box sets from the swap shop at the dump. That's hundreds of hours of music right there. One set has ten albums dedicated to "Mood Music for Dining." Best thing is that that are so bad I don't think they've ever been played.

Point well taken.
I'm with THom and T_Bone.

I have a vintage Dual 1264 with vintage Goldring cart and Yamaha cr-420 vintage receiver that sounds way more than just respectable.

The same pieces bought used today should only cost a few hundred if you can find them.
1/2 of a bottle of Tequila, four or five beers, a couple of Mai-Tais. I have no idea what Oakley is trying to say. I even went out, cranked up the local hip-hop, and drifted around my neighborhood for an hour. Still can't translate it. Maybe drifting in my F-150 FX-4 aint' cuttin' it. I'll try tomorrow in my son's WRX. :-)

What is the cost of an entry level vinyl setup? What is "entry level"? To me this question is more about a price point than level of performance.

The cost is up to the purchaser, but I say buy the best you can afford up front and save on the upgrade costs. You'll have to decide for yourself about how to allocate your budget to the various components needed.
This is where I have started

1) Thorens TD 166nkII $250
2) Denon 103r cartridge $250
3) Musical Fidelity v-lps phono stage $100
4) Spin Clean Record Washing System $80
5) Record Brushes and Stylus Cleaners $50

I had some Audioquest cables in storage so I didn't need to buy any.

Thanks Chuck