VPI bearing oil/grease?

I know this has been discussed and forgive me but I'm a little confused. Most of my confusion is from talking with Mike at VPI. I called VPI years ago to ask what type of lubricant to use, the answer was white lithium grease. ( no mention of any of this in the owner's manual) After my bushings were replaced a few years later with bronze, I inquired as to what oil/grease was recommended. The answer was 40W oil. After reading other posts here, I've read that Mike has recommended Mobil synthetic, I don't ever recall them recommending VPI bearing grease to me or anyone. I'd like to get a definitive answer from VPI users here. Thanks.
Very interesting. So less is more. Thanks for the tip!

How about rotating the bearing periodically? What I mean is to remove the three screws attaching the bearing to the plinth and rotating the bearing one-third turn and reattaching it to the plinth? This would put a "fresh" surface of the bronze insert against the pressure of the pull of the belt on the spindle. Any benefit for this?
Sorry for necro-ing this thread. But have a more or less the same question. I own a VPI Scout and lately I have noticed that it isn't running so smooth anymore. So it is time for some maintenance I guess.

I was adviced to use Telfon oil for the platter bearing. Can anyone comment on this. Also while browesing this thread I read about oil for the motor. How do I do that do I have to take the motor appart?
VPI recommends white lithium grease available at any auto parts store for about $5. Teflon oil is NOT recommended by VPI.
I can't remember what oil VPI recommends for the motor. Contact Mike at VPI, and please post your findings... ;-)
I think you're a bit confused to begin with. There are two parts of a VPI table that need to be lubricated: the platter bearing and the motor.
You use white lithium grease for the platter bearing and a 40-weight motor oil for the motor. Two different parts, two different lubricants. I don't understand why the thread is 38-post long.
Actusreus: I don't think I inquired about motor lubricant. Just platter/bearing lubricant.
Frogman: You're correct in your assessment of lithium grease vs. oil and their effects on the sound. I've been experimenting...