Turn table set up

Does anyone know how I go about finding someone to set up my tt? I thought I could do it, no way. Scoutmaster VPI. When I set the arm on pivot it sits an inch above the arm rest. The arm lift doesnt even touch the arm when I raise it. I don't have a stylus force gauge either...I'm so bummed
Hifigary is correct. Brooks is a great dealer to contact. BTW, he is a member of the Los Angeles Audio Society.
I'm close enough to Apple Valley that I would be glad to help. I'm actually going to be in SoCal next week.

You will definitely find the help you need at Brooks Berdan as well.
Thank you all for the support. I think I actually have it close to correct. I did the jig again and moved the weight forward about 5mm. The sound that the Van den Hul mc10 produces amazes me. I won't play anymore records until my force gauge arrives. I hear thats an important step in the process. I called Brooks and he's closed until Saturday. If your around Clio maybe you can stop by and make sure I'm set up ok. Thanks again
Unfortunately won't be around this weekend. However, feel free to email me offline and maybe can exchange numbers. I've walked a few people over some of the simpler aspects of set-up over the phone. Glad you're making progress on your own though. If you nail it you will have achieved a sense of accomplishment and learned a valuable skill that will be useful in the future.
Nice table i have one myself , take the imbus screwtool unlock the VTA tower which consists of a ring you then can rotate down what will in turn make the arm drop, you still need a gauge though , its not hard to set up and if you buy a digital scale you can fine tune by yourself at ease.