Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths

I would like to hear from anyone that has purchased a panzerholz plinth from Porter Audio or a panzerholz DIY project.
Reading through all that I could find on this subject it's obvious Mr. Porter did his home work on his design.
My question to those of you whom refurbished, replinth and rearmed some of these direct drives has it advanced analog playback for you?

Can't comment on Albert's product except to say I am certain it is very high quality. But I have "refurbished, replinthed, and rearmed" some of these direct drives in slate and/or wood (Technics Mk2, Mk3; Denon DP80), and the results are worth the expense and physical effort.
Dear Dbcooper: I still think and support that the best DD TT plinth is NO Plinth.

I heard many of those beautiful DD ( Denon, Technics, etc. ) with new plinths and none I heard has better quality performance than the non-plinth TTs I have. Including designs by Mr. Porter or Mr. Doobins.

IMHO there is no plinth with out self resonances and TT/plinth related resonances and like it or not that plinth/TT resonances were " capture " by that extremely sensitive microphone name it: phono cartridge.

I know that a no-plinth DD TT can looks even awful but I'm not talking about the TT looks but about what IMHO is the more critical and important target for the ones that are " music lovers ": first rate quality performance.

Yes, today many people are doing business with those plinths that IMHO does not help to improve the DD TT quality performance.

So, this subject is more of what we are looking for about: quality performance or better look.

Maybe there are not many persons that already tested his DD TT in no-plinth fashion: I think could be a good " audio exercise " to do it, just for fun!

Even seems to me that my SP-10s and Denon's could perform even better with out its metal bottom cover. I don't try it yet but maybe is time to make this test and see what happen.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Raul, You wrote, "So, this subject is more of what we are looking for about: quality performance or better look." Is there no room in your universe for an opinion that differs from yours? I respect your personal opinion that your SP10 Mk2 sounds best with no plinth. I would hope you could also respect my opinion and that of many others that the SP10 Mk2 sounds best with a well designed and in some cases massive plinth. I don't think that those of us who prefer the heavy plinth are merely interested in the appearance of the turntable, and it's unfair to imply that, IMO. And by the way, removing the metal bottom cover is not incompatible with mounting the chassis in a plinth. As regards plinth vs no plinth, the OP could obviously try it both ways and decide for himself. The no plinth solution costs very little money to implement, if one can find the rather rare Audio Techinica feet that Raul uses under his chassis.