Question on Cardas Frequency Sweep & burn in LP

Does anyone use this LP for breakin in cartridges ?
How long do you guys run in it the lock up mode ?
What is the difference between these tracks ?

Track 2. 20 locked grooves, lateral modulation (mono)

1/2” wide, unmodulated plateau

Track 3. 32 locked grooves, vertical modulation (out-of phase)

1/2” wide, unmodulated plateau

Track 4. 20 locked grooves, lateral modulation (mono)

Which track of the 3 is best for breakin in a cart ? or the tonearm wires ?

Thanks for the help,
I understand fluxbuster no longer made.
I'm more concern on the Cardas as this is readily available.
Thanks in advance.
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The cardas instructions suggest about an hour for cart breakin, in reference to tracks 2,3, and 4 of side 2. They also include this quote, "Save your cartridge for music!".

I find the sweep to be a useful maintenance tool, but I would never try to speed up burning in tonearm wires with this LP.

Here, you can read for yourself.

Cardas instructions