I need help with a Dual 1219 that rumbles?

I am just about at the end of my rope with this 1219. Its been to fix my Dual twice with no result. If I run the test record system noise cut(side two track 6) it makes a lot of noise (I can here it loud and clear in quit parts of the music). I have the 1219 on saw horses with no plinth and if I move the idler off the spindle of the motor while it is running my test record, viola the noise is gone. The motor mount looks good ( no cracks etc.) It obviously does not isolate the motor well enough. Anybody run in to this kind of problem? By the way the motor was exchanged so I do not think it is a bearing. Any suggestions for fixing this problem? Is this actually the way they sounded? No way with 1/2 million sold, thanks Markus
It's not clear from your description if the rumble is coming from acoustic feedback (through the air or turntable plinth) or from the mechanical parts that make up and run the platter. I think you're leaning toward the latter as the source of the noise but I'm not sure.

Besides the motor & its mounting, have you changed the idler wheel? Rubber parts can become hard with age and this will transmit a lot more noise. The spindle for the idler wheel could also be a source.

The platter bearing, spindle and spindle cylinder can also wear with use. If these parts are no longer to spec, the loose or irregular fit can cause low frequency noise.

The rubber wheel shouldn't cost a lot, but if the platter assembly itself is worn, you may be moving into "not worth it to fix it" territory. There are some pretty good performing current generation turntables that don't cost an arm to buy new.

Good luck with your search for a fix.
I believe the noise comes from the motor, idler wheel assembly as it disappears when I disengage the idler wheel. I think this eliminates the bearing and associated platter assembly, I have replaced the idler wheel itself but not the idler wheel spindle. I like the idea of having a fully automatic tt. Are there new ones worth owning? thanks Markus
There is still a possibility it could be the platter spindle assembly. When the idler wheel is engaged, it places asymmetical pressure at one point on the rim of the platter. This could cause rumble when the idler wheel is engaged.

The problem is that you don't have access to the original specs and tools used for quality control measurement. That leaves you to replace the parts one at a time, hoping the noise goes away.

As for replacing the whole turntable with a new automatic model, you'll probably want recommendations from someone more up to date on current brands.
Good preamps/receivers from that era often had rumble filters to compensate for the inevitable lf noise. Why intentionally damage records with an automatic? Try a used Rega.