My post is declined as 'inappriate or inflamatory' probaly because I used the expressions 'hooker','prostitute' and 'whore' in the context of the logic of substitution. Substitution and quantification are interdependant so by way of introduction I mentioned 'Vienna', 'Wenen' (Dutch), Bec (Serbo Kroatian) and 'Wien' (German). The logical rule
is this: whatever is true about the object refered to will stay true under substitution of names with the same reference. I called those co-refering names. Now my point was that Lew is wrong with his assumption regarding the expression 'hooker'. One may dispute the 'meaning' of those expressions but they all refer to the same, uh, profession. It is obvious that different languges have different expression for the same profession but it is also obvious that they can be substituted for each other such that the sentence in which they occur has the same sense and/or reference. The reference of an statement being arguable the truth value of the sentence. The other theory imply reference (of a statement) to something called 'fact'. Now one can feel insulted if called 'prostitute' but what can be
the 'sin'of an word or an expression? The moderators obviously discrimante between 'neat words' and, say,'filthy kinds' but which linguist would make such an division? The other members also used the word 'hooker' so I assume that either 'prostitute' or 'whore' are the quilty one according to our moderators.
BTW the same argument apply for 'nude' versus 'naked'; both refer to ,uh, the same thing.