How important is Cartridge Overhang? Need help

Just received a Mint protractor for my Pro-ject 2 Xperience. I started the processes of setting the Overhang and it seems that my Ortofon HMC 20 can't achieve the proper overhang. The cartridge is maxed out to the front of the head shell and the result I get is: at the outside of the arc it sits perfectly and on the inside it sits behind the arc. I guess my question is this how important is overhang and if it is important is there a good compromise.Should I just get as close as I can and worry more about alignment?
Hi Tketcham
just wanted to add some info in hopes of finding a solution.All the measurements I have made on the Pro-ject 9C tonearm (carbon arm with attached aluminum head shell) are as follows:

Pivot to spindle, 212 mm
pivot to tip of head shell, 235mm
pivot to center of head shell slots, 228mm
cartridge mounting hole to stylus tip, 8.5mm

Dear Wilson667: Due that the pivot to spindle distance is fixed: 212mm then the pivot to to stylus tip must be ( Baerwald. ) 230mm and not 235mm as you have right now.

This means that you need to go back/rearward with the cartridge by 5mm and offset angle: 24°. In this way you will be right on target.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Tom- I was talking pivot to spindle, not pivot to stylus. If the table has a fixed arm mount, or mounts directly to the plinth, that parameter is fixed. But OP seems to be telling us that the measurement of his table is right on the spec so that should not be an issue. IOW, never mind!
Rauliruegas,buy my measurements 230mm is not possible, The center of the head shell sot is at 228mm the slot is 6mm long witch means I can only go back a max of 3mm putting me at 225 mm add the MHST of 8.5mm and I get an effective length of 233.5. please correct me if I am wrong
Just curious, and I have a question.

Is there a way to verify the Arc Protractor itself, that it was indeed made to proper spec? Should there then be a specific measurement from center of Protractor spindle hole, to the Arc on protractor? Mark