Simon Yorke turntables-audiophile best value?

Are they really that good? I hear praise from all directions. Has anyone compared them to other great tables?
What directions? What is the point of asking if you heard the praise already? Not saying it is good or bad, but if I heard praise already then... just fill it in yourself.

Assuming you have a specific question, the older Yorke tables were considered excellent in their time. But they needed a few things to get there. Vibraplane and Walker Motor drive. Newer ones have an updated motor and power supply. In comparison to other turntables I would say the older has been improved on significantly and "passed" in terms of sonic capability. This is from intimate knowledge of the table, hearing it repeatedly in familiar systems.

I heard the new one in RMAF, but the sound was not to my taste. I have no idea if that is the room or turntable or speakers etc.
So, you could not differentiate what contributed to what you heard and to what degree. Not to say that it is easy.
Also, you didn't say that the sound was not good. What was in that system besides the Simon Yorke?
Inna, perhaps you should contact a dealer to audition one for yourself. I am the US distributor so I may be biased, but the Yorke play music in a very compelling manner. Please email me off line so I can recommend the closest dealer to you. Cheers!
I've heard the S7 and S10 and while the S7 in it's day was good the S10 is overpriced IMO. No support for alternative arms is also a problem. There are now more tables to choose from that are priced lower and sound better...yes this is only IMHO; others just listen for yourself and you will know.
Just to be clear...I owned an S7 for several years....took me forever to sell it and I thought I was going to go for an S10 until I heard one and saw the price! Now there are S7's and have seen several S10's for sale that can not be given away!!!!!!!!!