koetsu rosewood signature vs. Blue urushi

I'm buying a rosewood sig but at the last minute am wondering whether it is worth the 1k difference to get the urushi. Anyone have bay experience with either of these
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You have a great system!!!What happened to the Vermillion? Are you wanting to change to .4mV output? I loved my Urushi Black..........until I heard the PC-1 in my system, now I don't think I can go back!!!! I was going to re-tip the Urushi and possibly use it occasionally but I don't think I'll ever use it again!!! The improvement is worth the extra $$$ for the PC-1 (.6mV), just a suggestion given the quality of your system.
I have actually heard both side by side and to be honest, I couldn't hear the difference. I currently own the Rosewood Signature, and the Rosewood Signature Platinum. A close friend who lives nearby has the blue urishi. I just sold the vermillion urishi. I liked the vermillion a tad better than the Rosewood Signature and I like the RSP better than the Urishi. The RSP, the ZU 103R and the Shilabe are my current favorites. Short answer is that you can't go wrong with either. If you are getting them new. I would go for the Rosewood Signature and save the difference.
Is there a big difference between the Rosewood signature and the Rosewood signature platinum ?
For me, it made a difference, but not a significant one. I believe the difference can be attributed to the platinum magnets. The midrange was a tad better defined, but it is hard to justify the difference in cost. I could only tell the difference with a-b testing. I think if someone switched out the cartridge without me knowing, I would probably not notice it.