AKG P8e cartridge coils are known to go bad ?

It seems that the cartridge coils of the p6, p7, p8 open up over time, and it's not a matter of wire connections to the pins. This makes for an impossible fix.

The specs on these models all look the same electrically, so they should be interchangeable - does anyone know for sure? I'm looking for a good cartridge body to use with my p8es stylus.
Storyboy, According to some German info on the net the AKG used a small steel plate for the centering of the cantilever(one point suspension) with rubber 'rings' on both sides.The problem seems to be the deterioration of the rubber. AKG destroyed all thy stock in 1990. Probable because of the fear for the (legal) liability. That is why there are no spare parts.

Regards, Storyboy: Materials included with a spare AKG 8XS stylus state all styli are interchangable within the group: "interchangability of AKG stylus asssemblies by the user present numerous advantages --- however it should be pointed out that our stated performance specifications can only be guaranteed when the combinations are used as originally supplied".

A moving iron design, another common cause of failure is the loss of magnetic charge of the coils.