Nandric, thank you for both of your responses. I don't understand some of what you said - I assume it is just more category errors between us through different languages - but I can't quite understand what my mental eye is supposed to see in China, or what language games are in relation thereto. Please help, really.
BTW, when did "hints" not qualify as part of a discussion? Did you really think I would let go of my new bone so easily?
Yes, Wittgenstein is seen as a very smart fellow, well recognized. But, cognitive speed is not cognitive agility, or that agility fluidly accelerated by a seeing beyond it.
BTW, I do not *see" with only my mental eye.
Ahhh, and there it is: he thinks that he *sees* something that no one else does....(Stone the Witch! :0)
So, if you will not answer my no-mind questions, I will ask for you: What in the hell does this Asa think that he is see-ing, the bastard? What is this fluidity-to-cognition thing anyway?!
Derto, thank you again for your private tonearm advice. And also on your hopeful post above, which is far from your reactions on the vagaries of capitalism in the high end. Your observations about instinctual greed amplified by our micro-culture are, of course, accurate, but I still like this part of you. We can yell at the Wind - trust me, I've done more than my fair share of intellectual sword play - but, in the end, the most you can do is be a catalyst for change, for the Other (human-other, non-human other, earth-other). Its not up to only you (a catalyst assumes a nexus btween your mind and another's, as opposed to make-ing that other mind see, which ia a causal prey-predator relation). Tough thing to see for the cognitively-endowed, but there you have it...On the other hand, maybe that is what we are supposed to see with that power; realizing the experiential, evolutionary limits of that power.
Derto, posit: If you were "God" and you had someone as smart as you are, wouldn't you want his own smart-ness to show it the limits of itelf, and in that moment, point to something else?
Could be...