Dear Dertonarm, As I stated before I am realy astonished
with the extension of your eloquence. As you stated elswhere you consider your self to be 'a child of enlightment'. Ie the dream regarding homo universalis. I have never 'met'a better example. But I noticed this. In the çontext of áudio system you are able to relate tonearm,
cart,TT, amps.and speakers. This is obviously RELATIONAL
issue. Correlation of those, say, different parts is the
same. But when you are talking about ,uh, philosophy you
are using only concepts. There are limitations on what you
can do with concepts. So no wonder we get 'adding up' on
qualitys. Add éssence befor the word object then inherent
or éxtraherent qualitys and even the values. Those are morphems wich you can add as you please with the illusion ofsome 'extra meaning'. Read any philosopher you like about
essence and you will get 10 of them while 'the essence' is
supposed to be one. Now I mentioned Freges invention to deal with cocepts as function with one argument and relations as function with two or more arguments.There is a
theory of relations so we can talk about relations in relational terms. But the 'subject predicate' sentence form
is not suitable for relations. The most peaople 'see' (sic)
some 'name' in the subject place and provide or add up
predicates to the (pre)suposed name. So 'the Germans are
defeated by Stalingrad by the Russians' seems to be about
Germans but 'the Russian defeated the Germans by Stalingrad' express, as Frege would say, the same thought.
The most strange construction is when people put some quantifier in the subject place. Thy then think that those
are also names with refering function. But then why complain with: 'someone has stollen my car?' If this quantifier is a name with refering function you should be able to find this person.
Asa thinks obviously that 'not','nothing',etc is some kind of philosophical concept. One with some very important meaning that is probable only available to him,
Heidegger, and some. But this is ,uh, a ordinary quantifier
that should be treated as (universal) quantifier 'all'.
Ie: there is no object that satisfied conditions Fx and Gx.
with the extension of your eloquence. As you stated elswhere you consider your self to be 'a child of enlightment'. Ie the dream regarding homo universalis. I have never 'met'a better example. But I noticed this. In the çontext of áudio system you are able to relate tonearm,
cart,TT, amps.and speakers. This is obviously RELATIONAL
issue. Correlation of those, say, different parts is the
same. But when you are talking about ,uh, philosophy you
are using only concepts. There are limitations on what you
can do with concepts. So no wonder we get 'adding up' on
qualitys. Add éssence befor the word object then inherent
or éxtraherent qualitys and even the values. Those are morphems wich you can add as you please with the illusion ofsome 'extra meaning'. Read any philosopher you like about
essence and you will get 10 of them while 'the essence' is
supposed to be one. Now I mentioned Freges invention to deal with cocepts as function with one argument and relations as function with two or more arguments.There is a
theory of relations so we can talk about relations in relational terms. But the 'subject predicate' sentence form
is not suitable for relations. The most peaople 'see' (sic)
some 'name' in the subject place and provide or add up
predicates to the (pre)suposed name. So 'the Germans are
defeated by Stalingrad by the Russians' seems to be about
Germans but 'the Russian defeated the Germans by Stalingrad' express, as Frege would say, the same thought.
The most strange construction is when people put some quantifier in the subject place. Thy then think that those
are also names with refering function. But then why complain with: 'someone has stollen my car?' If this quantifier is a name with refering function you should be able to find this person.
Asa thinks obviously that 'not','nothing',etc is some kind of philosophical concept. One with some very important meaning that is probable only available to him,
Heidegger, and some. But this is ,uh, a ordinary quantifier
that should be treated as (universal) quantifier 'all'.
Ie: there is no object that satisfied conditions Fx and Gx.