The JC 3 is a great phono preamp. The results I'm getting may well have to do with the associated equipment, as it is largely Parasound, too. There is a sense of power from LPs I hadn't experienced to this extent with previously auditioned phono stages. That might be due to good impedance matching from end to end. Also, the output is balanced. I'm happy to have stumbled into this lashup, no matter what accounts for the wondrous sound. An initial impression is the sense of unlimited space. Images within that space are well-delineated. There is a very low noise floor and fine low level detail.
The sound is dynamic, compelling. The JC 3 placed the vocalists in vivid 3D playing A Singer Must Die from Famous Blue Raincoat. Big tone. Fremer's review is in the next Stereophile. That'll be interesting.
That holographic effect I praised in the ARC PH7 is there with the JC 3. There is the sense of a complete harmonic envelope.
The sound is dynamic, compelling. The JC 3 placed the vocalists in vivid 3D playing A Singer Must Die from Famous Blue Raincoat. Big tone. Fremer's review is in the next Stereophile. That'll be interesting.
That holographic effect I praised in the ARC PH7 is there with the JC 3. There is the sense of a complete harmonic envelope.