What I learned on Audiogon This Year

Things I learned from the forums this year:

1) In n Out Burger is the best fast food in the world, and Father's Office is the best Burger in LA (thanks BongoFury).

2) Widespread Panic and Arcade Fire are great bands.

3) All Digital is the wave of the future through downloads and analog is dead.

4) Analog is back to audio dominance and will continue to grow, digital is a trend and will die off except for convenience sake.

5) Don't ever say anything derogitory regarding certain types of gear that are defended by thier ______-mafia gangs. Especially___________________________.

6) Expensive Power cords are a still the biggest snake oil in audio.

7) Speakers are the most important place to start building a system.

8) Analog sounds better than digital.

9) Blu Ray is dead in the water, downloads for all media, video and audio is now the standard and will only continue to grow.

10) This is not a hobby, but a terrible affliction/addiction, and I need to change out some more gear.
Though the goal of the buyer is often to get better sound, like most things, a lot of the perceived value of hi end audio gear clearly has to do with its appearance, rarity or value as a collector's item or status symbol.
From the ad's I've learned that folks don't use their stuff much. Funny, after all that expense you'd think they would use the hell out of it.

From the questions posed I learned that a lot of folks don't understand the function of Google or other search engines, including A-Gon's.

The most enthusiastic supporters of a particular piece of equipment are often novices who really haven't heard much else, or so it seems.

That tube based systems are a substitute for Advil.
That SS systems are the cause of the need for Advil.
That most folks want tube sound but don't want the 'hassle'.
That SS manufacturers tend to declare that their component has a 'tube like' sound (as do some end users and reviewers).
That no one proclaims that their Tubed devise sounds like SS. And, lastly
No one ever sez their analogue sounds like digital.

That a lot of 'philes caint spel. Deelers too. Kace in point today. A deeler sez he did a comparison of subs and this one here fer sail 'one out'. Sheesh, just sezzin'.....
All turntables of the same class sound different though they should sound similar. That means that they all distort big time in different ways.
There is no such thing as neutral sound reproduction or production.
MM cartridges have more substance and MC more resolution; both sound like junk compared to reel to reel.
People who can hear best never become audiophiles.
Tube amplification will always be superior.
Cleaning records with anything but pure triple distilled water changes the chemistry of vinyl and should be avoided at all cost.
It is impossible to get a clean and stable current.
Many audiophiles who are in their fifties still listen to Beatles.
No room is good enough for listening even a concert hall because it is still a box.
Japanese can do midrande better than anyone else but have no clue about bass.