Anyone used a USB microscope to align cartridge?

I am both short and long sighted and its getting harder for me to visually align stylus especially using the MintLP protractors which require a 10x LUPE to be done right. I have seen USB Microscope camera's on eBay etc and some of them go for about $30 while others can run to about $400. All of these USB mmicroscope camera's claim magnification from 10x-200x and beyond. Was wondering if anyone has tried using these to align cartridges and what models you would recommend. The cheaper ones seem too cheap to be true and the more expensive ones should be fine but these offer magnification from 50x or higher and I am thinking this is too high for the prupose of cartridge alignement. Any comments or inputs would be appreciated.
I know exactly what you are talking about; 20 years ago I use to align cartridges for fun, now it is a real pain. At the same time the cult of PERFECT ALIGNMENT has ascended to make us all feel guilty if we don't spend hours on it. I am willing to settle for PDC alignment myself; sometimes I get it very close but I don't obsess about it. So those of you with failing eyesight or short attention spans take heart, you are not alone.
I should have added that I find a magnifying visor to be a great help, if sometimes awkward to use. On other occasions the small battery lights that attach with a headband make repairs a little easier.
I am using dynalite USB scope for this purpose now. I initially got it to measure SRA. It is very precise and better than 10 times lupe. This is a big plus if your carts have large body obscuring the stylus like the Coralstone. I have multiple arms so there is little space to stick my head betw the arms. My neck and back are very thankful of this device.

Thanks for you resposne. I will check out the Dynalite. Yes, its not only my eyes that I am struggling with but also my neck and back.