I turn 32 next month, I've built my 2 systems over the last 10 years. Learning to build things on your own is extremely enjoyable and great learning experience that can take you far. I started out by restoring old Thorens turntables in my free time, models such as TD-150, TD-160 can be had for a little over $100, restore them, and put them back up on eBay for a couple hundred profit. There's a number of sites dedicated to restoring tables. At the same time, I spent much time researching DIY cable recipes, learning, and lots of experimenting with cable designs. I was dedicated to the hobby. I have since started my own audiophile cable business going on 8 years. Don't be discourage, there is a place for us
youngster in this hobby, this hobby needs young minds. It's easy to be
dedicated when you're having fun! Feel free to contact me if you need ideas on restoring old tables;)
youngster in this hobby, this hobby needs young minds. It's easy to be
dedicated when you're having fun! Feel free to contact me if you need ideas on restoring old tables;)