No offence at all, always looking to learn & too old to worry. DD's friends have or have had that I have heard many times are the Goldmund Studio ( with custom power supply ) ( 3 of them ) , Kenwood L07D ( 2 of those ), Technics SP10 mk3 ( 2 of these ). The standard L07 laid bare speed instablility in the goldmund. The SP10 Mk 3 is the best I've heard but there is a grain or "chopped up quality" to the sound that I correctly or incorrectly ascribe to DD - dont wish to start that debate up again - just relaying what I've heard.
No offence at all, always looking to learn & too old to worry. DD's friends have or have had that I have heard many times are the Goldmund Studio ( with custom power supply ) ( 3 of them ) , Kenwood L07D ( 2 of those ), Technics SP10 mk3 ( 2 of these ). The standard L07 laid bare speed instablility in the goldmund. The SP10 Mk 3 is the best I've heard but there is a grain or "chopped up quality" to the sound that I correctly or incorrectly ascribe to DD - dont wish to start that debate up again - just relaying what I've heard.