Dual 1009 : Is it a good TT to buy ?

I was looking to buy a Rega P3 to start my Analogue journey. I mostly have old records (though well maintained). Will a Dual 1009 fixed with Shure ME44-7 Cart serve as a good start ? Can it come close to a Rega P2 or P3 ?
Lots of vintage tables can not only come close to a Rega P2 or P3, but beat them. Problem is finding a vintage table in optimum operational condition. Sometimes it takes more to restore these tables to original operating condition than going out and buying a new or well maintained used Rega.

I have a B&O 8002 restored by Soundsmith that is well worth the investment I made in it. Certainly sounds better than my Rega table did.
That Dual was not one of their better tables. The 1229 and 1249 were better tables. I also have a B&O (BG 9000) tangential tracker and think that it is a great sounding table.
I would say contact http://www.fixmydual.com/ and see what they say. That's their business.

Last I heard there were no longer new parts available as Dual discontinued parts for this model as well as other 10 series tables.

I had this table in the early 60's and while state of the art then, my personal belief is that it is nowhere in the leaque of today contemporary turntables. For me personally unless you have a solid collection of 78RPM records or some transcription where you need 16RPM I would not go this route.

However if you have need of those speeds I would opt for the Benjamin Miracord table. Built in West Germany at the time and was far more robust than the Dual.

Just a thought.