Art Audio Vinyl Reference vs Maxxed Out K&K

I am considering moving from a Moon LP 5.3 with outboard power supply to either a the Art Audio Vinyl Reference (used about $2,700) or the Maxxed Out K&K phono pre with all upgrades constructed by Kevin Carter (new about $2,600). I would appreciate comments from anyone who has heard one or more of these phono pre amps. I am currently using ortfon jubilee cartridge. Thanks in advance

I'm sorry we missed each other earlier this month.

Kevin is launching a company with a retail distribution model - Sonus Veritas. This is likely what you're alluding to.

John fairly well nails it - that the K&K Max will evolve more quickly as Kevin learns more from his explorations into this realm.

It's unrealistic for a retail product to undergo changes as quickly as a product designed for someone with soldering skills. Where changes to the DIY product are welcomed, a manufacturer runs the risk of being perceived as being only interested in improving his cash flow if he offers upgrades too frequently.

Manufacturers have to walk a fine line - much as they'd like everyone to have their current work.

If I were a betting man, I'd guess that the time will come very soon, where Kevin will stop offering a build service for these phono stages - selling them either in kit form or possibly discontinuing them.

I doubt he'd want to compete against his Sonus Veritas line. Of course, if he saves a few "tricks" for the Sonus Veritas line, then he'll have no issue and will be able to address two different markets - the DIY-er and the retail mode.

As has been said before, Kevin is a straight-shooter, and I have never hesitated to send my customers in his direction.

Thom @ Galibier
I don't think you have to worry about Kevin getting out of the kit business any time soon. The Sonas Venice is too expensive and complex for Kevin to consider offering as a kit. The retail cost of just the transformers is more than a Maxed Out. Having built one, I can hazard a guess that Kevin would not want to deal with all the problems kit builders would encounter. That said, the new version of the Maxed sounds very good. Maybe not as refined as the Venice, but the retail price of the Venice is supposed to be $18k! Does it sound $15,400 better? Not for someone with my bank account. The market for the Venice is not the same as the DIY market. As to where Kevin is heading with his business, check out the new products that he has announced for 2011 on his forum. Doesn't seem like he plans to abandon the DIYers anytime soon.
I spoke to Kevin myself recently. Seems that his pesky customers and the business they are bringing is getting in the way of finalizing the Sonus Veritas(?). So, if you guys will just leave Kevin alone, he will eventually market the SV. But I saw a post on this product as old as one year, so don't hold your breath(s); the SV was descrbed as imminent even in that year-old post.
Kevin had the goods at RMAF, just not in the finished package. The room sounded great. After dealing with Kevin on the phone a number of times it was great to finally meet him in person. I hope he keeps both lines running.