Esoteric K-05 or K-07?

Can anyone explain any sonic differences between these two players?

Looking for a lush sound with plenty of dynamics and detail.

I have found through the years that the only listening that matters is in your own system and room. That's impossible to duplicate, and in addition I live in an area with no dealers.

Just trying to get some opinions from people who might have had the opportunity to hear both players.

I'm glad that you are able to blindly lay down $10,000.00 for a CD Player and not be concerned. That must be a nice situation to be in.

By all accounts, each higher level of Esoteric player is better than the last, so logically the 05 will be better than the 07. Haven't heard them against each other, but this is what I gathered in my lengthy online research prior to buying a K-03 (instead of a K-05, lol). Plenty of dynamics and detail. Check! Absolutely. Incredible detail. Lush sound? I love the sound of my K-03, and it has a very full and beautiful sound, but I equate lush to a more tubey sound, like you might expect from a Cary, or CJ, etc.

BTW, I did buy mine without hearing it. And I love it.
Thanks Jeff,

My concern with the K-03 is that the manual says you need a full 8" above the top of the player. I don't have that much room in my rack. Top shelf has my amp, so I can only have 1 or 2" of clearance on the next shelf.

K-07 is lower height, and that manual says nothing about all that clearance.

I'm replacing a defective Cary 303t with skipping problems. Loved the sonics, but could not deal with the quality issues. That's why I'm now considering Esoteric. I hate "glare" or fatiguing sound, and have been told Esoteric should fit the bill.

Does yours run hot, and how much clearance above the unit do you think I need?

Thanks so much for your comments.