Esoteric K-05 or K-07?

Can anyone explain any sonic differences between these two players?

Looking for a lush sound with plenty of dynamics and detail.

X series was amusical. K series is most certainly musical. --i covered this in my review of the P/D02 on UltraAudio.

i'd have never owned an X series. In contrast, i'd love to have a K01.
@ Tboooe, Does Luxman make a player with volume control to be used direct to amplification?, cheers!
Lots of varied comments.

Just borrowed a friends Moon 650d, which is very musical and lush. While it sounds teriffic I'm afraid there is just not enough detail. The highs just don't " shimmer" which I assume the Esoteric would excel at. Also missing some of that bass slam.

Some of these negative comments, especially those that say Esoteric doesn't draw you into the music is of some concern. Not sure what to do now!
Well, you need to consider that the way to audio Nirvana can take many meandering paths... What is harmonically textured and neutral for one, may sound edgy for another; and what sounds lush for the latter, may be syrupy to the former. A total consensus is impossible. Many of us have found the textured and filigreed Esoteric sound to be at the pinnacle of digital reproduction... Others consider its neutrality to be "not organic" and may prefer warmer-sounding players.

There is no right and there is no wrong.... It all depends on what sound you are seeking
