Question about entry level tables..Debut/CJ Walker

Hello, I've been on a vinyl purchasing spree for years now, I just can't stop it, now I feel that I need a better table (and eventually everything) for my records and ears. I'm debating about purchasing a Pro-ject Debut III. Seems like a decent table that I will grow out of but will be hassle-free and work well for sometime. I also found a CJ Walker Mark 1 Turntable with a MAS 282 arm and an Astatic MF-300 Moving Flux Cartridge. I can't find much info on that set-up but I'm curious about it and not sure if I'd be better with that than the Debut. The Walker also comes with an iso-base by Seashell acoustics....Anyone have any opinions on these tables or any other tables in that range?
I would go with the Pro-ject Debut III or MMF 2.2 or Rega P2. All are about the same price and offer similar performance. Good luck.
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Just for your information, the Astatic mf 100/200 are good cartridges. Have not heard the 300. Condition of the used equipment would be important. From Viridan's description it sounds like a good table to learn turntable setup on, to get the most out of all that vinyl your buying.

Stay out of my stores or you might get hurt. Those records are mine. LoL.